How do I setup a TrustHub page

Step-by-step guidance on how to setup and publish your TrustHub page.

1. Setup TrustHub access

Users require the "TrustHub Admin" role in order to configure the TrustHub page and authorise access request.


Go to People, Edit the user (select right hand side menu), Role Permissions, add TrustHub Admin

Select TrustHub from under Company Information on the left hand side menu:


2. Configure your TrustHub page settings and branding:

Select Settings from the top menu:


3. Update the header text


4. Select the documents, reports and controls you wish to show on your TrustHub page 


Visibility options for each document:

  1. Do not show - this is the default and means that the document is not visible on your page.
  2. Public - anyone can view and download the document, do not select this is any of the information is confidential.
  3. Private and Locked - the document is shown but cannot be viewed or downloaded without you granting permission. Visitors will have to request access, further details on approving access requests can be found here.

5. Publish your page

Last but not least when you are ready to publish your page, simply select the Publish button in the top right hand corner: