How to authorise TrustHub access requests

Guidance on how to approve TrustHub access requests

Request Notifications 

When clients and prospects request access to view and/or download the documents on your TrustHub page, anyone setup with the TrustHub Admin role will receive an email alerting them that a request has been submitted.

Selecting the link in the email will direct the user to the TrustHub Admin page, alternatively

Open the TrustHub Admin page

Select TrustHub from under Company Information on the left hand side menu:


Select Admin to the top menu

Requests will be shown in the "Active Access Requests" table:


Select the tick to review and authorise the request. Note, if this user is not already associated with a Company you will be required to link the user to a company and confirm there is an NDA in place. 

If there isn't already a NDA in place with the prospective client, use Adoptech's Agreement Generator to create one, share and e-sign.