1. General

Sending an Assessment to a third party

There is a tile for each assessment template that is available to choose

You can send an assessment to multiple recipients if you wish to collate, track and compare responses. Alternatively, you can generate separate assessments from a template and send them to individual recipients.

Select the template to use

From the Outgoing tab under the Assessment menu, click Select on the required assessment template to open it.

This will open the template where you can view the questions and click on Generate to send the assessment to a specific audience.

Generating the assessment

Assessment name - when you generate an assessment you will be prompted to give the assessment a name. The template name will be defaulted. You can choose to keep this (maybe add a date or specific reference) or enter a completely new name of your choice.

Select your audience - enter the list of email addresses to which the assessment is to be sent (it is recommended that you only send to one recipient per company, especially when sending to new users of the portal as they will need to register their company in order to respond), enter an optional message to go in the email notification and set a response date.

The assessment is then sent to all email recipients.

Where a recipient is not yet an Adoptech portal user, they will be prompted to set up a new account.

Reviewing responses

Once responses have been received you can view the data within Adoptech or download the data in order to carry out further analysis or export to alternate systems.

See the article View responses to an Assessment for more information.