Leavers Confidentiality Reminder

Why companies should send confidentiality reminder to leavers

For staff who have had access to confidential information and trade secrets it is important to remind them of their continuing obligations to the company on leaving the company.

These obligations may include compliance with restrictive covenants, including non-compete, non-solicit, and non-disclosure provisions, and the continuing duty of loyalty not to disclose an employer's trade secrets or other confidential information.

Certification such as ISO 27001 include controls that require this letter to be sent, for example:

ISO 27001 control A.7.3.1 (2013), A.6.5 (2022) requires:

"Information security responsibilities and duties that remain valid after termination or change of employment should be defined, communicated to the employee or contractor and enforced."

Adoptech provide a template letter that you can send to leavers. It is jurisdiction neutral. Just ask a member of the team and they will drop a copy into your Data Room.