Introducing ISO 27001 to staff

An email template for introducing ISO 27001 and Adoptech

Subject: [Important] ISO 27001 readiness and Adoptech onboarding

Hi Team!

As you all know, we are working on obtaining our ISO 27001 certification.

We are pursuing our ISO 27001 to ensure the security of our customer's data. With ISO 27001, we're able to instil trust with customers regarding our data protection practices and in turn, expedite our sales cycles.

To prepare for this audit, we've been working with a SaaS company, Adoptech, to help us become and stay ISO 27001 compliant.

Please watch this quick video for an introduction to ISO 27001.

As part of the audit process, we need you to be onboarded onto Adoptech. This is an investment of time to ensure we all follow consistent security practices and a seamless audit.

Please complete the following steps:

  1. When you receive an email invitation to Adoptech please accept it

  2. Read and accept our security policies

  3. Complete security awareness training

    1. The online training should take about 15 mins:
      Cyber Security Training and Knowledge Check
      Once complete please take a screenshot showing you have completed it and email that to: [XXXXXXXX]

To help us stay on track with our goal & timeline, we need all employees to complete their required steps by [ENTER DATE HERE]. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.