1. General

How to update company information displayed on a policy

Instructions on how to update your company details on policies generated.

When updating company information in the Company Profile, it will be updated automatically on policies that are in Draft state but not if pending Approval or Live.

In order for the policies that are pending Approval or Live to show the updated company information, they will need to be updated individually. Please note, if you update a policy it will need to be re-approved.

  1. Navigate to Policies & Docs in the left hand menu in the Adoptech portal.
  2. ON the Live tab, find the policy to be updated under either the Approvals or Live policies heading. Select the meatball menu to the right and select Update current version.
  3. In the modal that opens, select Minor and give a reason for the new version, then select
  4. This will take you back to a completed draft of the policy where you can make changes if needed. Otherwise select Complete at the top and then Confirm in the modal.
  5. Send for re-approval if required by selecting the email addresses you want to send to, adding an optional message and then selecting Send. If not required, select Skip.

Your policy will now be up to date with the new Company Information.