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  2. Legal Agreements

How to create a Consultancy Agreement

Hiring an individual consultant or engaging with a consultancy?

A consultancy agreement is an agreement between your company and anyone working for the company as a contractor and not a full-time company employee.

Consultancy agreements are used to engage people (contractors) working for your company who are not part of the executive team, long-term advisors, or employees.

They are mostly used for shorter-term engagements of a few months and they are not treated as employees, they don’t go on the payroll and you do not pay National Insurance.

Our agreement outlines their roles and responsibilities, their invoicing and payment terms, and assigns any intellectual property they create while they are working for you to the company.

You can create a consultancy agreement on the platform in just a few minutes.

Select Legal Agreements from the menu, Add from Library and then select Consultancy Agreement

Then you'll be prompted to use the Adoptech standard terms or you can choose to start with the terms entered in previously completed agreements.

Creating a Consultancy agreement with a company rather than an individual?

When you start creating the agreement you will be prompted at the start to select whether the other party is a company or an individual.

Enter the details of the person who’ll be signing on their behalf of the other company. This can be changed later if the signatory changes.

Work through the questions to determine the terms of the draft contract, once you have completed all sections you can Preview the contract.

When you are happy with the agreement you can Complete and share for signature.