1. General

How do I view an Assessment response

When a third party responds to your assessment, you can view their response within Adoptech or download the data.

When a third party publishes their response to your assessment, you will receive an in-app notification to advise. The Assessment owner will also receive an email notification.

Find the response

Responses can be found on the Assessment page, Outgoing tab by clicking on the Assessment and selecting the Responses tab. The number of responses recevied is indicated. Note that if all responders have published their response the Assessment will be in the Complete table. If there are still responses pending, the Assessment will be in the Active table.

Published responses will be under the Responses table and those not received will be under the Pending table.

View a response

You can view a published response by clicking on the relevant row. The answers to each questions are displayed by expanding the Question sections.

Download responses

Click on the Export button in the header bar and select the responses you would like to export. This will download a pdf for each company response as well as csv files containing the answers for all companies selected.