1. Automated Integrations

How do I sync users with an external source?

This article outlines the steps you need to take and the sanity checks in place when synchronising your Adoptech users with an external source.

Connecting to an Identity Provider

In order to synchronise your users with an external source, you need to have connected to that source via the Apps and Integrations page.

The available sources for user synchronisation can be found by filtering on Identity Providers.

The Learn more button on each integration will provide links to help articles that will guide you through the application integration.

Synchronising users

Once the inegration has been complete, navigate to the People Page in the portal and select the User sync button

Follow the steps in the RHS menu:


1. Select the source you want to synchronise with

2. Enable User sync by moving the toggle to the right

3. Choose the frequency of the sync ie One-off or Daily

4. Click on the orange Sync button


1. Syncing will automatically add and delete users from the portal to match the sync source.

2. Users automatically added will be given the User role.

3. Users with Admin, Auditor or External Consultant Role permissions, or User type of Guest, will not be affected.

4.  There is a sanity check to prevent the deletion of too many users unexpectedly. If it is deemed too many users would be removed, you will receive the error: Sanity check failed because too many users would be removed. Check that you are connected to the correct Azure account.

If you get this error, check you are connecting to the correct external directory and if so, contact Adoptech support. 

5. Where the sync has added non-human users, the User type System User should be granted. System users cannot login to the adoptech portal.