1. Troubleshooting

How do I solve token problems with the Azure integration in the Adoptech Portal?

The integration reports an error "Lifetime validation failed, the token is expired." This article outlines steps to fix this problem.

For some tenants, the Azure integration will show an error due to an expired token. This token is returned successfully to the Adoptech Portal by Azure but for an unknown reason, it has already expired five minutes ago. This workaround changes the tenant's policy to set the token expiration time to a larger value.

Navigate to https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer in your browser.

Sign in as an administrator using the user icon in the top right corner.

Click on your initials and choose "Consent to permissions".

In the pop-up menu, find the entry labelled "Policy.ReadWrite.ApplicationConfiguration" in the Policy section, and press the "Consent" button.

In the Graph Explorer, set the dropdown to POST and enter this text in the URL box:


Then in the request body, copy and paste the following text:

"displayName":"My token lifetime policy",
Now press the "Run query" button. You should see a green bar containing the text "Created - 201".
Return to the Adoptech Portal and reconnect the Azure integration using your previously saved credentials.
Further reading: