Follow the steps below to connect Adoptech to Amazon (AWS) Guard Duty
What information do I need to get started?
The following configuration items are required to integrate AWS GuardDuty with Adoptech:
- AWS API access key
- AWS API secret key
- AWS API region
- AWS GuardDuty detector id
Can I use the same API key for all of my AWS integrations?
You may find this article useful to determine whether it would be beneficial to have a single AWS account or multiple accounts for the various AWS services. It also describes how to set up AWS access permissions.
Where can I find my AWS GuardDuty detector id?
The AWS GuardDuty detector id can be found on your GuardDuty settings page.
How do I set up user permissions to access the GuardDuty API?
There are 2 ways to configure user permissions to access the GuardDuty API:
- Set the user as the delegated administrator and grant permissions to configure and access GuardDuty data:
- Grant some user read-only permissions to read GuardDuty data:
- Open the IAM console and select the user
- Click on “Add Permissions/Attach policies directly”
- Search for “GuardDuty” and add “AmazonGuardDutyReadOnlyAccess” policy to the user.
- Open the IAM console and select the user
Setting up the integration of AWS GuardDuty with Adotpech
- Go to the Apps and Integrations page in the Adoptech portal.
- On the Apps and Integrations page, find Guard Duty and click on Connect.
- Enter the following and Click Connect.
- AWS API access key
- AWS API secret key
- AWS API region
- AWS GuardDuty detector id