1. General

How do I log an Incident?

This article outlines how Incidents should be logged in the Adoptech portal

For any Incident, your first point of call should be to refer to your Incident Management plan (found on the Policies page) to ensure correct procedures are followed to ensure the Incident has been correctly identified, contained and communicated.


Incidents should be logged on the Actions and Events page of the Adoptech portal 


From the Add new menu, select Incident

The Create Incident modal will appear.  All fields are mandatory.

  • Title - give the Incident a high level title

  • Description - Describe the Incident

  • Owner - select the person that is overseeing the Incident

  • ID  - Provide a unique ID for the Incident eg INC1, INC2. An agreed format should be used. 

  • Date identified - Enter the day that the Incident was raised.  This will then be the date it is logged in the Actions and Events calendar. 

  • Raised By - Enter the name of the person that raised the Incident or, how it was raised if not by a member of staff. 

  • Root Cause Analysis - Detail the root cause of the Incident.  If this is not known at the time the Indcient is logged,  you can enter some placeholder text such as "Pending further investigation' 

  • Actions taken - Outline the actions taken to bring the Incident under control in chronological order.

  • Preventative Actions - Detail the actions implemented to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

  • Data Breach - If there was a data breach select Yes and outline how the authorities and data subjects were contacted (who contracted them what method and who was contacted).