1. General

Editing the text generated in a policy

Instructions on how to edit the text generated when drafting a policy.

  1. Navigate to Policies & Docs page in the left hand menu in the Adoptech portal and the Drafts tab.

  2. Either create a new policy under Templates or select a policy from Drafts.

  3. Each expandable section in the policy is a clause. Once you have answered all the questions in a clause, you will be able to select Edit located at the bottom to make changes to the text generated. Please note, tables generated from answers will not be editable.

  4. When you have finished editing the text, select Done. If you would like to go back and change answers to the questions in the clause select Revert, please note that any manual changes made to the text will be lost when you revert.

Any questions on this topic or others? Open a chat with the team.