1. Framework FAQs

ISO 27001: 2022 A.6.4 Disciplinary process

This article provides additional information on how you can meet the requirement for the ISO 27001: 2022 A.6.4 Disciplinary process

ISO 27001: 2022 Control Description

A disciplinary process shall be formalised and communicated to take  actions against personnel and other relevant interested parties who  have committed an information security policy violation.


To ensure that staff and other relevant interested parties understand the consequences of violating the information security policy, and to deter and appropriately address such violations.

Guidance on implementation

The disciplinary process should not be initiated without first verifying that an information security policy violation has occurred.

The formal disciplinary process should provide for a graduated response, taking into account factors such as:

a) the nature (who, what, when, how) and severity of the breach and its consequences;

b) whether the offence was intentional (malicious) or unintentional (accidental);

c) whether this is a first or repeated offence;

d) whether the violator was properly trained.

The response should consider relevant legal, statutory, regulatory, contractual, and business requirements, as well as any other pertinent factors. The disciplinary process should also serve as a deterrent to prevent staff  and other relevant interested parties from violating the information security policy, topic-specific policies, and procedures. Deliberate breaches of the information security policy may require immediate action.

Other Information

Where possible, the identity of individuals subject to disciplinary action should be protected in accordance with applicable requirements.

Individuals who demonstrate exemplary behaviour regarding information security can be rewarded to promote good practices and encourage adherence to information security protocols.